Tooth decay, sounds painful! However, for most people, they don't even know they have a cavity forming because the initial stages of tooth decay aren't painful. As the cavity grows your tooth may become hot or cold sensitive. Once the decay reaches the nerve canal you may experience severe pain.
Every time you eat or drink there is an acid attack on your teeth that occurs. Building a critical defense against plaque and acids are a critical part of your oral health.
How to prevent tooth decay?
- Avoid snacking or sipping on sugary food and drinks during the day. Specific foods cling to your teeth, sugars and starches especially.
- Fluoridated water can be beneficial over bottled water.
- Xylitol products (natural sugar with bacteria fighting properties) - Strive for 5 - Five 1g exposures a day has been proven to reduce cavities by 85% in some patients.
- Sealants on teeth prior to decay starting is an invaluable way to protect teeth.
- Most importantly, regular cleanings and checkups
It never costs less or hurts less than it does today!
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