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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dental Benefits of Xylitol

What is all this Xlyitol hype about?  Is it just another marketing ploy?  Are there really any dental benefits to using Xylitol?

We understand there are a lot of questions regarding Xylitol and why we at Gilmore Dental believe that it's an important factor in reducing decay in the oral cavity.  Stick with us for just a minute.

Xylitol was first discovered by a German chemist in 1891, Emil Fischer.  It was initially used in the sugar shortages of WWII in the 1930's in Finland.  It was approved by the FDA here in the US in 1963 as a food additive.  Finland was the first county to implement a national campaign to promote Xylitol to reduce decay in children.  Those Europeans seem to have it all together!

What is it you ask?  A natural sweetener found in Birch trees.  It does not break down like regular sugar and can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth.  The real kicker: it also prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth!  Sugars sitting in the mouth allow bacteria to feed for at least a half hour, which in turn causes decay.  Xylitol stops the bacteria in it's tracks!

Benefits of Xylitol include:
  • Saliva - Saliva has bacteria fighting properties on its own, however, because of over sugar consumption, it just can't keep up.
  • Reduction in acids that cause decay.
  • Neutralize pH.
  • It's safe and convenient.
Gilmore Dental is one of the Northwest's leading distributors of Xylitol products from Xlear.  From gum to toothpaste and mouthwash, nasal spray and oral mist, we've got what you need.

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